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Abduction is another word for kidnapping, or being taken against your will.
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If you get pregnant but can’t have the baby for whatever reason, you can go to a clinic and they can end the pregnancy. This is called abortion.
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Arguments at home
People don’t always agree on things, and some people’s reaction to this is to have arguments because they get angry or annoyed.
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Arguments with friends
Arguing with friends can be hurtful – things are said that maybe the other person didn’t really mean because they were upset or angry.
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Arguments with other young people
If you are arguing with young people where you live, it can make home life feel hard to cope with.
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Arguments with teachers
Teachers are there to help you to learn, and should want the best for you. Sometimes though, teachers may not understand what you are going through.
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Asylum seeking, unaccompanied minors and refugees
If you come from a country where you are not safe because of war or persecution, you can claim Asylum in another country. 
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Being in care & contact arrangements
Sometimes being in care means restricted access or sometimes even no access to certain people who were in your life before.
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Being kicked out of home
Being kicked out of home means that you are being made to leave home by your parents or carers.
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If you or your family are struggling and need help with money, then depending on your age and situation you might be able to get benefits to help.
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Body changes, puberty and adolescence
Body changes, also known as puberty, is when you grow up and your body starts to become like an adult’s body.
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Boyfriends & girlfriends
All relationships have their ups and downs. It might never feel 100% ‘perfect’ but it’s important that you feel safe and supported.
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Verbal bullying is when someone bullies you by saying mean, hurtful things to or about you.
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Coming out
“Coming out” is when a person opens up to others about their sexuality or gender and can be a difficult process for some people.
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Committing a crime
Committing a crime means you have done something against the law – if you do illegal things and then regret it, it can be a scary situation to be in
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Concern for a parent or relative’s health
Having a parent or relative who is having health problems can be very stressful and upsetting. It’s totally understandable to worry.
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Consent is a very important part of every sexual relationship. Being consensual means that both people definitely want to have sex with each other.
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Cyber bullying & trolling
Cyber bullying is when someone is targeting you online, doing or saying things that upset you, or trying to make you look bad to others.
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Dealing with homophobia
Homophobia is never ok, and you should not have to face any kind of discrimination because of your sexuality.
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Death & bereavement
Losing someone that you love can be really hard and you may experience a number of emotions which you may not have felt before.
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Disability is a very broad subject - there are lots of types of disabilities which impact people differently.
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Discrimination is when someone treats you differently or unfairly because of something about yourself that makes you different from them or others.
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Divorce & separation
Divorce or separation means that people who were married or in a relationship choose to end their relationship.
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Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is when someone at home is treating you badly.
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Drugs and alcohol
Using drugs or drinking alcohol can be risky and can damage your health - it's important to seek help if you need it.
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Eating disorders
An eating disorder is when someone becomes obsessively controlling over their eating habits.
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Emotional abuse
It can be hard to see that someone is being emotionally abusive to you – often it is someone close to you who is supposed to be caring towards you.
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Exams may mean some people find themselves under a lot of expectation from their family, teachers, peers, or even from themselves.
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Feeling angry
Being angry is a totally normal human emotion, and everyone handles feeling angry differently.
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Feeling low or depressed
Feeling low or sad is a completely normal part of life – everyone goes through things that make it difficult to stay positive or happy.
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Feeling out of control
Lots of things could cause you to feel out of control like pressure at school, family problems like arguments, or anything that strongly affects you.
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Feeling worried or anxious
Feeling worried or anxious means that you have feelings of being worried about something.
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Fights at home
People tell us that when there a fights and arguments at home, it makes them run away or want to run away. 
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Food banks
Food banks are places that are for people who can’t afford food as a short-term fix until they can then be put in touch with other help.
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Forced marriage
Forced marriage is when you are made to marry someone you don’t want to marry.
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Freedom, feeling controlled & restricted
Feeling like you are being controlled or restricted from doing what you want can be difficult to deal with.
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Friendship can be tough, especially when you are young and still getting to know yourselves as well as each other.
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Gang involvement
Being involved in a gang can be life threatening.
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Gender Identity
Gender identity is whether you feel like you are male or female (or neither or in between or even both).
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Getting your own accommodation
Once you are 18 you can leave home without permission from your parents or guardian.
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Going missing in the UK if you’re not from the UK
Going missing and running away in the UK is not a crime and you won’t be in trouble with the Police. Everyone just wants you to be safe.
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Grooming is when someone forms a relationship with a young person to build trust, and later exploit or sexually abuse them.
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Harassment is when someone is bothering you or causing you trouble and won’t leave you alone.
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Having money stolen
If anyone steals money from you, they are committing a crime. It's never ok for someone to take money from you without you wanting to give it to them.
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Homelessness is when you have nowhere that you can live.
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I miss my home country
Being away from your home country can be hard. You may find yourself surrounded by a completely new way of life, which can make you feel disconnected
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Internet crime & revenge porn
Revenge porn is any kind of sexual image or video posted online without your consent.
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Is it a crime to go missing?
If you do stay home or people are worried about your safety, they may well start to think of you as a missing person and have to look for you. 
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Learning difficulties
A learning difficulty is when someone can struggle to absorb and process new information, cope independently, or learn new skills.
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Leaving care
Although help is available to you when you're leaving care, it is still a massive change to get used to.
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Leaving or changing school and college
Some people love going to school and college while others hate it and can't wait to leave. If you have to leave or go to a new one, it can be hard.
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Being lonely can be really hard to deal with – it usually feels like you don’t have anyone there for you.
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Mental health
Mental health is about how “well” you feel in your head. If you are struggling with your mental health, it can be really tough.
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Moving away
Moving away from home can be difficult. It might be that you are moving to a new place, or it could be that you’re moving somewhere new...
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Moving drugs around
Sometimes, young people are asked to carry drugs around for dealers and gangs, sometimes within a local area and sometimes to other towns or cities.
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Neglect is when you are not being looked after in the way that you should be.
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Not feeling happy in care placements
When a young person is in care, it means that they are being looked after by the local authority.
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Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is when someone is hurting you on purpose.
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Physical safety
Staying safe physically means making sure that you don’t get hurt or involved in any dangerous situations.
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If you or your family doesn’t have money to buy enough food or clothes, or can’t afford to keep you warm, you may be struggling with poverty.
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Being pregnant can be scary at any time in your life. This might especially be the case if you are young.
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Problems at school
Problems at school could be anything that makes your school experience difficult or unhappy.
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Questioning sexuality
When questioning your sexuality, it’s good to remember that there is no right or wrong way to do it!
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Race discrimination is when you are treated badly or unfairly because of where you are from, what your skin colour is, or because of your culture.
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Running to be near friends and family
It’s natural to miss people who were once a part of our lives – being in care may mean that you have been moved away from people and that can be tough
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The reasons why people self-harm can be very personal. Self-harm may mean that you cut, scratch, burn or cause yourself other types of physical pain.
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Sex, sexual health and STIs
It is important to understand the risks of being sexually active and how some of those risks can be prevented.
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Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse is when someone is forced to do sexual things they don’t want to do.
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Sexual Exploitation
Sexual Exploitation (sometimes called child sexual exploitation or CSE) is when a young person is forced or tricked into doing something sexual.
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Staying safe if you’re running away
If you are going to run away or have run away, it is very important to stay as safe as you possibly can.
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Staying safe online & on your phone
The internet can be a great place, however, it can also be dangerous if you end up talking to the wrong person or sharing too much information.
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Stress is when events or situations cause feelings of strain, pressure, distress, anxiety, or even physical effects such as tiredness or headaches.
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Suicidal thoughts
People often start to feel suicidal when they are experiencing times of depression or really tough things are happening in their lives
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A threat is when someone says that they are going to do something bad to you.
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Trafficking is when people are moved around to different countries or to a different part of their own country, and used for other people’s gain.
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Trouble at home
Sometimes being part of a family is hard work, and it can really get you down when your family just don’t ‘get you’.
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Violence is when someone does something that causes you physical pain or injury.
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Work exploitation & modern slavery
Slavery and exploitation are where someone is forced to work or do things, getting little or no money for what they have to do.
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Young carers
Caring for a loved one at any age can be difficult and stressful, but especially when you’re young.
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