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Worried about another young person?

If you’re worried about your friend or someone else you know, there is lots of information on this site that could help you understand what is going on for them.

In hard times, everyone needs a good friend. Being a good friend, listening and supporting someone when things are tricky, isn’t easy. Sometimes being honest about why you are worried about them can feel very difficult.

We know that people talk to their friends usually before they talk to any adults. It might be that you are holding a lot of worries about someone and you feel you need some advice and to talk things through. Runaway Helpline is here to talk to you, in confidence.

If you feel that talking to someone would be grassing on your friend or breaking their secrets, knowing you can talk to us without anyone knowing who you are or who your friend is, could really help.

You and your friends deserve to be safe and happy.

Worried about another young person?
These are just a few of the things young people have told us is worrying them about a friend

  • Are they away from their home and don’t have another home to go to?
  • Are they being hurt or having arguments at home?
  • Do they seem to be depressed or are hurting themselves?
  • Are they asking to stay at yours because they can’t go home?
  • Do they have a boyfriend or girlfriend who doesn’t treat them right?
  • Are they in trouble and worried about what is going to happen?
  • Are they in a gang and having to do stuff that seems dangerous?
  • Do they not like being in a children’s home or foster care and don’t want to stay there?
  • Might they have to marry someone they don’t want to?
  • Are they being made to have sex or do things with people?
  • Are they under a lot of pressure at school and not showing up?
There are lots of ways to help someone who is thinking of running away or has left home. Listening is the best thing you can do and asking is and if you can help
Runaway Helpline
There are lots of ways to help someone who is thinking of running away or has left home. Listening is the best thing you can do and asking is and if you can help
Runaway Helpline
When someone runs away they might need help. Offering a safe space, some food, somewhere to charge their phone, a shower are the basics that make people feel better. All this helps while they are sorting themselves out.
Runaway Helpline
When someone runs away they might need help. Offering a safe space, some food, somewhere to charge their phone, a shower are the basics that make people feel better. All this helps while they are sorting themselves out.
Runaway Helpline
Talking to an adult you can trust might help. Speaking to 116 000 about why you are worried, you can do this anonymously –we don’t need to know who you or who your friend is to be able to listen and talk things through
Runaway Helpline
Talking to an adult you can trust might help. Speaking to 116 000 about why you are worried, you can do this anonymously –we don’t need to know who you or who your friend is to be able to listen and talk things through
Runaway Helpline

© 2025. Missing People | Registered charity in England and Wales (1020419) and in Scotland (SC047419).

All rights reserved. The words Runaway Helpline are registered trademarks of Missing People Ltd.

Runaway Helpline is a service for 11-17 year olds run by the charity Missing People

a: PO Box 28908, London, SW14 7ZU

t: 020 8392 4590 e:

These phone and email details are not 24/7. If you are looking for support please call 116 000 or email

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