Speaking with an adult that you trust and have a good relationship with can be a good option when you’re thinking of running away. This could be a friends parent, a relative you get on well with, or another trustworthy adult who you know well that may be able to help you. This can feel like a big step, but sometimes having an adult aware of what’s going on for you can be really supportive and make things easier.
If you speak to an adult you trust, they may be worried about you if you’re thinking of running away or leaving home. If they’re someone who know’s the people around you, they may want to help you tell more people what’s going on. And if they’re really worried they may feel they have to tell someone else, even if you don’t want them to.
Most of the time they will want to help you and do what they can to keep you safe. They might be able to offer you somewhere to stay (with your parent or carers permission) when you feel like you need to get away, or they may know of other options that you could look into. They may also be someone you can talk to when things are tough and you need a chat or a moan.
If you’re unsure about speaking with an adult you trust, or would like free and confidential support around running away, the Runaway Helpline are here for you. You can call or text on 116000, 24 hours a day. We’ll listen and not judge, we’d like to help you stay safe no matter what’s making you want to run away.