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Runaway Helpline is run by the charity Missing People for young people. If you are worried about an adult, or are a professional, teacher or parent worried about a young person, please go to the Missing People website.

Adults who are worried about young people

If you are worrying about a young person who you think might run away or who is away at the moment, there is information here that might help you understand more.

There are many problems and pressures which can make people want to run away. People may think that things will be better somewhere else or with someone else. Sometimes they are right and sometimes things will be worse.

When someone is missing and has run away, they are not in trouble, it is a sign that something is going wrong for them.  It is good that they have a chance to talk about how they feel if they want, and that they can get help to be safe.

Here you can find out more about the issues young people face and running away. If you are a parent, social worker, teacher or carer, there is more information on the Missing People website.

Adults who are worried about young people

who else can help?

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The Runaway Helpline can only provide services to children and young people within the United Kingdom, and information and advice on this site relates to the UK only.

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