We hope what you see here helps. If you are feeling like running away or are away from home, we are here to listen.
Call or Text 116 000. For free and in confidence.
If you’ve run away because it’s not safe for you to be where you normally live, then it’s important to make sure that the police know and understand that. You may be really scared that if you’re found, they’ll make you go home. It may feel scary to talk to the police but Runaway Helpline can help you tell them how it is for you at home.
You deserve to be safe and not live in fear. If it’s not safe for you at home and you are scared to go back, they won’t make you go home. If you are under 18 they’ll need to talk to social services to make sure there’s somewhere safe for you to stay instead of taking you back. This is because social services have a duty to make sure you have somewhere safe to live. It’s your right to be safe.
Maybe you’re staying with a friend or a friend’s family and you’d like to stay there instead of going home. It’s important to know that if you’re under 18, your friend’s family need to make sure it’s ok for you to be there. They can check this by getting in contact with police or social services and Runaway Helpline can help them do that.
Maybe you feel really unhappy where you live, whether that’s with family or in your placement or care home. Sometimes it feels like everyone else is happy but you and that can be a very lonely feeling. There may be arguments at home and problems you feel just aren’t getting sorted out. Maybe that’s why you ran away. You might feel confused and sad and that nobody is listening to you. Runaway Helpline will listen. You can talk to us about things and how we can help.
Maybe we can help you get in touch with family or your support worker or social worker so you can explain what it’s like for you and why you left home. Sometimes, if it’s safe for you to be at home, they may want to take you back there, but it’s important that you get a chance to tell them why you’re unhappy and talk with them about what you need to make it ok for you. It might not happen overnight, but it can help if you know they are working with you to find a solution.
The Runaway Helpline can only provide services to children and young people within the United Kingdom, and information and advice on this site relates to the UK only.
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