Going home can be tough. You may feel people act differently towards you or there is too much attention. Or it might be difficult to find that problems you had there before you went haven’t gone away. Being away may have been a stressful time for you, so if you are able to, it may help to take a little bit of time to readjust and not put too much pressure on yourself.
If you are worried about how you being away from home might have affected other people, it may help to talk things through with them. You might find that you are getting a lot of attention and need some time out. Remember you can contact us at any time and we’ll give you that bit of space to talk things through. We know there may not be a perfect answer but want to be here for you. If a particular problem is worrying you there may be a service that can help that with – we might have some ideas or you can have a look through the pages on this website.
It’s great if you want to make things better, but you shouldn’t feel like you have to do it too quickly or on your own – and also it’s good to make sure you make things better for you yourself and not just other people.
The Runaway Helpline can only provide services to children and young people within the United Kingdom, and information and advice on this site relates to the UK only.
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