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Boyfriends & girlfriends

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All relationships have their ups and downs. It might never feel 100% ‘perfect’ and that is totally ok because no one is really 100% ‘perfect’. Your first romantic relationship can be hard to get used to – relationships are different to friendships, and every relationship is different from other relationships, so it can all be very confusing and hard to get used to.

It’s important that you feel safe, supported, and in control of your own decisions. You should never feel like you are being pushed into doing something before you’re ready, and you should never push them either. It’s also good to remember that although you are in a couple, you are both still individuals, capable of making your own decisions and having your own different thoughts and feelings about stuff. Respect is very important, and you should feel like you have this as a couple – if you don’t, this is probably something you should talk about together.

If you need advice on relationships, if you just broke up with someone or you are having problems in your current relationship then there are experts who can help you, or you can ask someone you know who is in a good relationship for advice.

Spotting the signs
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