South Africa: PSARU is a children’s advice center that aims to create an environment for people of SA who needs help when a loved one goes missing. They assist with a 24/7 helpline and a dedicated investigation team who are dispatched immediately with no waiting period.
NSW offers free confidential support for adults and young people in various locations around Australia. You can email them at
India: Childline will reach out to every child in need and ensure their rights and protection. You can call them free of charge on 1098
Korea: Green Umbrella Support for the families of missing children and campaign for the children to be found. Call 82-2-777-0182
Pakistan: Roshni aim to quickly and safely recover missing children, follow-up investigations into the causes of missing children, and develop mechanisms for their protection and safety. They also provide psychosocial help and support for the affected families. Call Roshni on 1138
Philippines: Missing Persons Publicise Missing People and work on reducing the incidence and impact of missing persons in the Philippines and educate Filipinos about the issue of missing. email:
Albania: Alo116 is a helpline for children and young people who have run away, open 24/7. You can call them on 116 111
Austria: Rat Auf Draht can offer you advice, counselling and support over web chat, whatsapp, or phone on 116 000
Belarus: Moo Understanding is a helpline that helps to protects children and young people. You can reach them on 8-801-100-1611
Belgium: Child Focus is a helpline for missing and sexually exploited children. You can call them on 116 000.
Bulgaria: Nadja Cwntre has a helpline for children who are victims of abuse, you can call 116 000 to talk to them.
Croatia: Centar za nestalu i zlostavlijanu djecu Deal with sexual exploitation and abuse on the Internet and the spread of pornography and pedophilia, and other forms of abuse related to the use of the Internet. You can reach them on +385 31272943 or
Cyprus: Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family offer help and support to people who face domestic violence and to uphold their rights. You can call 116 000 or 1440
Czech republic: Nadace Naše dítě is for children who find themselves in difficult situations, including abused, exploited and disabled, or abandoned children. 87777
Denmark: Thora Center work with adults and especially children who have been victims of sexual assault, their families and vulnerable families where there has been abuse, regardless diagnoses and other problems. They also inform policy makers and the public about sexual abuse and missing children. 33328650
Estonia: Eesti Abikeskused provide crisis counselling and emotional support for both adults and children who have been lost, as well as youth who have run away or are lost. You can call 116 111
France: APEV Help search for missing children and help children and adults to have open conversations in a protective environment. Call 01-46-48-35-94
Germany: Initiative Vermisste Kinder Support families searching for missing children and protect children’s and young people’s rights. Call 116 000
Greece: Omnibus are dedicated to examining the social phenomenon of missing adults, seniors, children and teenagers. They also provide psychosocial relief and legal support to those who are left behind. Call 801-700-7707
Greece: The smile of the child is a helpline for children. They support children with welfare problems, health problems, children in hospitals, provide social and psychological support. Call 1056 or 116 000
Hungary: The Kék Vonal Child Crisis Foundation is to listen to the children and young people and help those of them who are in need. You can contact them on 116 111 or 116 000
Hungary: Terre des hommes is a Swiss Foundation with a mission to come to the aid of children in need around the world. It has two core areas of work: healthcare and child protection.
Italy: Penelope promotes opportunities to meet for those who have experienced someone missing, gives information about missing people, creates and manage databases on missing persons, provide legal and psychological assistance to family members and friends of the missing. Contact: 3484463030
Netherlands: International Child Abduction center (IKO Center) provide advice, information, and guidance through their helpline which specialises in cases of international child abduction. Call 116 000
Romania: Save the Children Save the Children runs programs of information, prevention and intervention in cases of disappearance and sexual exploitation of children +40 21 316 61 76
Russia: poiskdetei is an organisation that searches for missing children and offers practical, publicity and psychological support. You can contact them on +7(499)686-02-01
Slovakia: Unicef Humanitarian help, giving advice to the government about children’s rights, providing education, cooperating with schools, and provide a children’s helpline on 116 000
Sweden: SOSalarm is for reporting lost and found children Phone: 08-407 30 00
Switzerland: Missing Children publicises missing children and communicate with other services to ensure children are found safe. HELPLINE: 0848 116 000
Canada: Missing Children Society of Canada help with investigations, emergency response for missing children, and offer family and peer support. You can call them on 1-800-661-6160.
Canada: Missing Kids offers families support in finding their missing child and provide educational materials to help prevent children from going missing, assist in the location of missing children and provide educational materials to help prevent children from going missing: 1886-543-8477
USA: National Runaway Safeline is there to listen whether you are thinking of running away or already have. Their services are confidential and nonjudgmental. You can call them on 1-800-RUNAWAY or 1-800-786-2929.
Missing Children is a charity that helps families find their missing children, and offers emotional support. You can call them on 4 797-9006
The Runaway Helpline can only provide services to children and young people within the United Kingdom, and information and advice on this site relates to the UK only.
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