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What you need to know about "Friends"

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Friendship can be tough, especially when you are young and still getting to know yourselves as well as each other. Sometimes friends are these amazing people who help and support us and are fun to hang out with and we don’t know what we would do without them, but other times it’s not so simple – sometimes friendship can take a lot of effort and you have arguments and can be upset with each other or not get to see each other as much as you’d like.

Some friendships can be what’s known as ‘toxic’ – this means that they are really not doing what is best for you and you are ending up feeling a lot worse by having this person in your life. If you have a toxic relationship, you might want to think about why you are friends with this person – is it worth it? The great thing about friends is that they are not like family – you can choose them. You are in control of what friends you want in your life.


Videos about friends

Suli Breaks
Young Minds
Youth Health Talk
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